Dr. Rees Tapsell | The Treatment and Rehabilitation of Māori Mentally Abnormal Offenders

Dr Tapsell is of Māori, heralding from the Arawa canoe and of Ngāti Whakaue descent. He is the Executive Director of the Midland Regional Forensic Service and the Director of Clinical Services for the Waikato Mental Health and Addictions services at the Waikato District Health Board. He is a clinical lecturer with the department of psychological medicine at the Auckland School of Medicine. Dr Tapsell has served as a General Council member with the Australia and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, as a board member on two HHSs/DHBs, on several small private companies and he served as a psychiatrist Deputy Member on the Mental Health Review Tribunal for 12 years. He has been involved in the development of a number of Māori specific approaches to the provision of mental health care to Māori in both general and forensic services and in both government and NGO settings. Dr Tapsell’s particular professional and research interests lie in the governance and leadership of health organisations, the epidemiology of mental disorders, Maori mental health service development, outcome measures in Maori mental health ‘mentally abnormal’ offenders and undergraduate and postgraduate education and training.

Dr. Richard E. Tremblay | From Forensic Mental Health to Infant Mental Health: Back to the Future

Richard E. Tremblay is Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics and Psychology at the University of Montreal, Emeritus Professor of Public Health at University College Dublin (Ireland), and director of the Centre of Excellence on Early Childhood Development. Over the past thirty-five years he initiated five large scale longitudinal-experimental studies with an integrated bio-psycho-social approach to unravel the early development of violent behavior and to identify effective early preventive interventions. He received the Stockholm Prize in Criminology, the American Society of Criminology Sellin-Glueck Prize for international research in criminology, the Laufer Award from the French Academy of Moral and Political Sciences for his research on prevention of antisocial behavior with children, the Joan McCord prize from the Academy of Experimental Criminology and the Scott Award for lifetime contributions to research on aggression from the International Society for Research on Aggression. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Experimental Criminology, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science. Finally, he was a member of the team of professionals when the Philippe Pinel Institute opened in 1970.

Dr. Nancy Wolff | Person-first Equals Cost-Effective: It's Simple, Universal, and Within Budget

Nancy Wolff, Ph.D., an economist and professor, is the director of the Bloustein Center for Survey Research and former director of the Center for Behavioral Health Services & Criminal Justice Research (NIMH funded from 2002-2014) at Rutgers University. Since 1995, she has increasingly focused on public policies and justice practices that influence the incarceration and rehabilitation of justice-involved people.  In 1999, she was awarded an Atlantic Public Policy Fellowship to study the management of mentally disordered offenders in the United Kingdom. Her research explores the need for behavioral health services among justice-involved individuals, treatment interventions that are responsive to those needs, and the role of environmental conditions and training in improving the effectiveness of treatment interventions provided in correctional settings. Most recently, her work has focused on the prevalence of trauma among incarcerated men and women and its effective treatment. Dr. Wolff conducted an NIMH-funded study that tests the reliability of computer-administered screening for PTSD and substance abuse problems compared to clinician-administered screening and the effectiveness of two evidenced-based, manualized first stage trauma interventions. 

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