Virtual Poster Presentations
To promote the conference’s accessibility and inclusivity by allowing students and professionals with financial or other barriers to present at the conference, the 2025 IAFMHS Conference includes a virtual poster presentation option.
Registration Fee
$75 CAD for non-members
$10 CAD for members
With your registration, virtual poster presenters will obtain the ability to present their research and access other virtual posters.
We encourage student presenters to first sign-up for an annual student membership. Considering that an annual student membership is $55 CAD and the registration fee for members is $10 CAD, student presenters would save $10 CAD by signing up for an annual membership.
Register for Virtual Poster Presentations HERE.
**Please note that registration for the virtual poster presentation does not equate to registration for the in-person conference. All attendees and presenters planning to participate in the in-person conference must register separately at the following link HERE.
Presentation submission requirements
Virtual poster presenters are required to submit the following prior to the conference:
1) Poster as a pdf file; Presenters are encouraged to format their posters according to the Better Poster Format (see: https://convention.apa.org/blog/rethinking-the-science-poster or https://astrobites.org/2020/02/28/fixing-academic-posters-the-betterposter-approach /)
2) Poster presentation as a video file
a. Poster may be narrated in video or audio format.
b. Presentation may not be longer than 3-minutes.
c. See the following link for an example: SAMPLE
d. Th above example was recorded via zoom. The presenter started a private zoom, "shared portions of their screen", and recorded the meeting. See the following link for more information:
3) Presenters will receive an email with a link to an individual and restricted Google Drive folder. Presenters will submit their poster as a pdf file and poster presentation as a video file in this folder. The Google Drive folders will be permanently deleted one week following the conference.
Presentation Setup Online
Virtual posters and poster presentations will be uploaded to a private YouTube channel and individual QR codes will be generated for each poster/poster presentation on the YouTube channel. By submitting a virtual poster/poster presentation, presenters are agreeing to have their poster and poster presentation uploaded to a YouTube channel with restricted access to conference attendees. However, it is important for presenters to know that, although the YouTube channel is private (i.e., not accessible without the QR code nor searchable on YouTube), it is possible that the QR code could be shared with non-attendees. The YouTube channel will be permanently deleted one week following the conference.
Presentation Setup at Conference
Virtual posters and poster presentations will be presented in an asynchronous manner. The QR codes will be included in the conference program and on a printed poster on display during the in-person poster sessions. Conference attendees will be able to scan the QR codes with their electronic devices and access the posters/poster presentations at their own discretion for up to one week after the conclusion of the in-person conference. Conference attendees will further be able to leave comments and questions for presenters in the YouTube comment sections. Presenters will then be able to respond to these comments in an asynchronous fashion for up to one week after the in-person conference has concluded.
Register for Virtual Poster Presentations HERE.