2025 IAFMHS Conference – Call for Submissions

Dublin| June 24-26


Deadline for Submission: December 2, 2024 (6 PM GMT/9 PM PST/midnight EST)

Please note this deadline will not be extended.


IAFMHS invites five types of proposal submissions for its 2025 Conference.

  1. Poster 
  2. Virtual Poster 
  3. Paper 
  4. Round Table (a minimum of three and maximum of five round table members who present information and opinions, and discuss or debate, among themselves and the audience)
  5. Symposium (a minimum of three and maximum of four separate papers that are thematically linked; inclusion of a Discussant is optional)

Proposals will be evaluated via a masked peer review process.

If you are submitting a poster, virtual poster, freestanding paper, or round table proposal, please select the Submit Your Abstract button on ExOrdo.

If you are submitting a symposium, please select the Submit a New Panel button on ExOrdo to create the initial overall symposium submission. Individual symposium papers can be submitted thereafter, either using a shareable link associated with the overall symposium (so that the authors can submit these linked papers themselves), or else via entry by the symposium chair themself.

Instructions for Submissions

1. Poster

  • Format: Select poster as the format for the submission.
  • Title & Abstract: Enter a title for the poster. Enter an abstract for the poster (100 words max). The abstract will be included in the conference program, so it should provide enough information to inform its readers about the nature of the presentation.
  • Authors: Any co-author can submit the proposal. Add yourself as the first author, including your title (e.g., Dr.), affiliation, and country. The first author will automatically be designated as the corresponding author and the presenting author. Then add each co-author, starting with their email address, followed by their title, name, affiliation, and country. You can then reorder the authorship list as desired once you have added each co-author. Note also that you can change both the corresponding author and presenting author designations to one or or two co-authors if you prefer. But please ensure that only one author is designated as the presenting author.
  • Topics: Select up to three topics that best characterize the poster, from the listing provided below.
  • Summary: Enter a summary of the poster (500 words max). The summary can be structured (e.g., introduction, method, results, and discussion for empirical or systematic review presentations) or unstructured (e.g., narrative reviews, program descriptions).
  • Alternative Format: Select whether you wish for the poster to be considered for an alternative format if not accepted in the preferred format.
  • Students: Select whether the presenting author is a student. Select also whether the presenting author is a current student member of IAFMHS and wishes to be considered for a student presentation award.

2. Virtual poster

  • Format: Select virtual poster as the format for the submission.
  • Title & Abstract: Enter a title for the virtual poster.
  • Enter an abstract for the virtual poster (100 words max). The abstract will be included in the conference program, so it should provide enough information to inform its readers about the nature of the presentation.
  • Authors: Any co-author can submit the proposal. Add yourself as the first author, including your title (e.g., Dr.), affiliation, and country. The first author will automatically be designated as the corresponding author and the presenting author. Then add each co-author, starting with their email address, followed by their title, name, affiliation, and country. You can then reorder the authorship list as desired once you have added each co-author. Note also that you can change both the corresponding author and presenting author designations to one or or two co-authors if you prefer. But please ensure that only one author is designated as the presenting author.
  • Topics: Select up to three topics that best characterize the virtual poster, from the listing provided below.
  • Summary: Enter a summary of the virtual poster (500 words max). The summary can be structured (e.g., introduction, method, results, and discussion for empirical or systematic review presentations) or unstructured (e.g., narrative reviews, program descriptions).
  • Alternative Format: Select whether you wish for the virtual poster to be considered for an alternative format if not accepted in the preferred format.
  • Students: Select whether the presenting author is a student. Select also whether the presenting author is a current student member of IAFMHS and wishes to be considered for a student presentation award.

The virtual poster format is intended to promote accessibility and inclusivity of the IAFMHS Conference by allowing students and professionals with financial or other barriers to presenting in-person to deliver their work in an asynchronous manner. There is a separate, reduced cost registration fee to deliver a virtual poster. With this registration, virtual poster presenters will have the ability to present their research and access other virtual posters. Note, however, that registration for a virtual poster presentation does not equate to registration for the in-person conference. All attendees and presenters planning to participate in the in-person conference must register in full for it.

Submitters who have their virtual poster proposals accepted will be required to prepare their virtual posters in both (a) PDF and (b) video formats well ahead of the conference, by a deadline that will be announced at a later date. The video file should reflect a video or audio narration (e.g., recorded via Zoom) of the poster graphic, and which is no longer than 3 minutes in length. Virtual poster presenters will receive an email with a link to a cloud storage folder for uploading their two (i.e., PDF and video) files. This repository for depositing files will be permanently deleted one week following the conference.

Both files will then be uploaded to a private YouTube channel, with access restricted to conference attendees and other virtual poster presenters. Individual QR codes will be generated for each virtual poster presentation hosted on the private YouTube channel. The QR codes will be included in the conference program and on a printed poster on display during the in-person poster sessions. Conference attendees will be able to scan the QR codes with their electronic devices and access the posters/poster presentations at their own discretion for up to one week after the conclusion of the in-person conference. Conference attendees will further be able to leave comments and questions for presenters in the YouTube comment sections. Presenters will then be able to respond to these comments in an asynchronous fashion for up to one week after the in-person conference has concluded.

By submitting a virtual poster, presenters are agreeing to this restricted sharing solution for their work. However, it is important for virtual poster presenters to know that, although the YouTube channel is private (i.e., not accessible without the QR code nor searchable on YouTube), it is possible that the QR code could be shared with non-attendees. The YouTube channel will be permanently deleted one week following the conference.

3. Paper

  • Format: Select paper as the format for the submission.
  • Title & Abstract: Enter a title for the paper. Enter an abstract for the paper (100 words max). The abstract will be included in the conference program, so it should provide enough information to inform its readers about the nature of the presentation.
  • Authors: Any co-author can submit the proposal. Add yourself as the first author, including your title (e.g., Dr.), affiliation, and country. The first author will automatically be designated as the corresponding author and the presenting author. Then add each co-author, starting with their email address, followed by their title, name, affiliation, and country. You can then reorder the authorship list as desired once you have added each co-author. Note also that you can change both the corresponding author and presenting author designations to one or or two co-authors if you prefer. But please ensure that only one author is designated as the presenting author.
  • Topics: Select up to three topics that best characterize the paper, from the listing provided below.
  • Summary: Enter a summary of the paper (500 words max). The summary can be structured (e.g., introduction, method, results, and discussion for empirical or systematic review presentations) or unstructured (e.g., narrative reviews, program descriptions).
  • Alternative Format: Select whether you wish for the paper to be considered for an alternative format if not accepted in the preferred format.
  • Students: Select whether the presenting author is a student. Select also whether the presenting author is a current student member of IAFMHS and wishes to be considered for a student presentation award.

Note: These paper instructions should be followed regardless of whether the paper is a freestanding paper or a paper contributing to a symposium. However, symposium papers should only be submitted after the symposium chair has first created the initial overall symposium submission with which the papers will be associated via a hyperlink that the symposium chair shared with the contributing authors to create their linked symposium paper proposals. Alternatively, the symposium chair can submit the individual symposium papers on behalf of their colleagues themself. Symposium paper submissions will not have a Format page (as they will be linked with the initial overall symposium submission) nor a Topics page (as the topics are set for the initial overall symposium submission by the chair of the symposium). Refer below for more information about symposium submissions.

4. Round Table

  • Format: Select round table as the format for the submission.
  • Title & Abstract: Enter a title for the round table. Enter an abstract for the round table (100 words max). The abstract will be included in the conference program, so it should provide enough information to inform its readers about the nature of the round table, and highlight the various perspectives that will be presented and discussed during the round table.
  • Authors: All round table members should be entered as co-authors, and designated as presenting authors. Any round table member can submit the proposal. Add yourself as the first author, including your title (e.g., Dr.), affiliation, and country. The first author will automatically be designated as the corresponding author and the presenting author. Then add each co-author, starting with their email address, followed by their title, name, affiliation, and country. You can then reorder the authorship list as desired once you have added each co-author. Note also that you can change both the corresponding author and presenting author designations. Please select one co-author to serve as the corresponding author, and all the co-authors as presenting authors.
  • Topics: Select up to three topics that best characterize the round table, from the listing provided below.
  • Summary: Enter a summary of the round table (500 words max). The summary should make clear the topic and purpose of the round table, why it is poised to stimulate lively discussion or debate among round table members and the audience, and round table members' respective expertise and perspectives concerning the topical matter.
  • Alternative Format: Select "N/A (round table or overall symposium proposal)" for the question about whether you wish for the proposal to be considered for an alternative format if not accepted in the preferred format.
  • Students: Select "N/A (round table or overall symposium proposal)" for the question about whether the presenting author is a student. Select "N/A (round table or overall symposium proposal)" for the question about whether the presenting author is a current student member of IAFMHS and wishes to be considered for a student presentation award.

Round tables may or may not include formal presentations by each member of the round table, as the goal of a round table is to encourage lively discussion or debate among the members of the round table as well as with the audience. Thus, the organizing submitter of a round table, who will effectively function as the chair of the round table at the conference, should allow enough time for engaging audience members in Q&A and discussion, debate, and Q&A.

Note: For round table proposals, please do NOT use the "panel" submission mechanism, described below for symposium submissions and further in the Guide for Panel Organisers. The panel submission mechanism is exclusive to symposium submissions.

5. Symposium

Note: There is a special process for submitting an initial overall symposium proposal. A "panel" is a special submission mechanism within the online submission platform (ExOrdo) to do so. This mechanism should only be used for initial overall symposium submissions. It should NOT be used for round table submissions. To submit an initial overall symposium (panel) proposal, please select the Submit a New Panel button on the  ExOrdo Dashboard.

Instructions for Symposium Submissions

Step 1 (Convenor/Panel Chair Creates Initial Overall Symposium Submission)

  • The chair of the symposium (called a Convenor and Panel Chair in the in the ExOrdo Panel submission process) should select Submit a New Panel from the ExOrdo Dashboard to begin the initial overall symposium submission process.
  • Title & Description: Enter a title for the symposium. Then enter an abstract (called a Description in the ExOrdo Panel submission process) for the overall symposium (200 words max). The overall symposium abstract will be included in the conference program, so it should provide enough information to inform its readers about the nature of the symposium, the contributing papers, and any involved discussant.
  • Roles: As the chair of the symposium submitting the initial overall proposal, you will be auto-designated as the Covenor. Please also designate yourself as the Panel Chair. If there will be a discussant for the symposium, please select Add Another Organiser, and add that person, starting with their email address, followed by their title, name, affiliation, and country. Undesignate them as a Convenor, and designate them as the Discussant. Authors of the individual papers contributing to the symposium will be added later in the submission process, as explained below.
  • Topics: Select up to three topics that best characterize the symposium, from the listing provided below. Note that all individual papers contributing to the symposium will have these same topics automatically designated for their topics as well (i.e., they cannot be changed).
  • Summary: SKIP THE PROPOSAL SUMMARY. Only the previously entered Description is necessary as this stage. Summaries for the individual papers contributing to the symposium will be added later in the submission process, as explained below.
  • Alternative Format: Select "N/A (round table or overall symposium proposal)" for the question about whether you wish for the proposal to be considered for an alternative format if not accepted in the preferred format.
  • Students: Select "N/A (round table or overall symposium proposal)" for the question about whether the presenting author is a student. Select "N/A (round table or overall symposium proposal)" for the question about whether the presenting author is a current student member of IAFMHS and wishes to be considered for a student presentation award.

Step 2 (Two Options for Submitting Individual Paper Proposals Contributing to the Symposium)

  • The chair of the symposium will now see the overall symposium proposal listed under their List of Panels. There are then two ways for submitting the linked paper proposals contributing to the overall symposium: (A) via sharing a link with the authors who will be submitting the respective papers, or (B) via the chair of the symposium submitting their colleagues' symposium papers themself.
  • Option A: Symposium paper authors submit their contributing papers: The symposium chair can click the Copy shareable link button and email this link to their colleagues who will be contributing papers to the symposium. Upon clicking this link, their colleagues will be able to submit their symposium papers pursuant to the below directions (which are very similar to freestanding paper submissions), and the proposals will be automatically linked with the overall symposium.
  • Option B: The symposium chair submits the linked papers directly: Alternatively, the chair of the symposium can submit symposium papers on behalf of their colleagues directly. To do so, the chair of the symposium will click the Submit to Panel button within their List of Panels. Note that the chair of the symposium will be able to remove themself from a given symposium paper authorship list by clicking the Remove button in the Authors page for any individual symposium paper submission.
  • The chair of the symposium will be able to see the linked symposium papers in their List of Panels once they are submitted.
  • If the chair of the symposium wishes to remove a paper from their symposium after the paper has been submitted, contact the Scientific Committee Chairs at conference@iafmhs.org for assistance.

Symposium Paper Instructions

  • Format: [Not listed for linked symposium paper submissions]
  • Title & Abstract: Enter a title for the paper. Enter an abstract for the paper (100 words max). The abstract will be included in the conference program, so it should provide enough information to inform its readers about the nature of the presentation.
  • Authors: Any co-author can submit the proposal. Add yourself as the first author, including your title (e.g., Dr.), affiliation, and country. The first author will automatically be designated as the corresponding author and the presenting author. Then add each co-author, starting with their email address, followed by their title, name, affiliation, and country. You can then reorder the authorship list as desired once you have added each co-author. Note also that you can change both the corresponding author and presenting author designations to one or or two co-authors if you prefer. But please ensure that only one author is designated as the presenting author.
  • Topics: [Not listed for linked symposium paper submissions, as all papers contributing to a symposium will share the same topics initially selected by the chair of the symposium]
  • Summary: Enter a summary of the paper (500 words max). The summary can be structured (e.g., introduction, method, results, and discussion for empirical or systematic review presentations) or unstructured (e.g., narrative reviews, program descriptions).
  • Alternative Format: Select whether you wish for the paper to be considered for an alternative format if not accepted in the preferred format (i.e., if the symposium is not accepted).
  • Students: Select whether the presenting author is a student. Select also whether the presenting author is a current student member of IAFMHS and wishes to be considered for a student presentation award.

Additional Information


  • Criminal forensic assessment (i.e., adult criminal legal system)
  • Juvenile forensic assessment (i.e., juvenile legal system)
  • Civil forensic assessment (e.g., psychological injury, discrimination, disability, employment)
  • Family forensic assessment (i.e., family law system)
  • Forensic mental health or correctional intervention/management
  • Diversion, specialty courts, reentry, or community corrections
  • Other intervention/management services (e.g., physical health, holistic wellness, other social determinants of health)
  • Criminal offending
  • Violent offending
  • Sex offending
  • Intimate partner/family violence perpetration
  • Self-harm
  • Severe mental illness
  • Psychopathy and other personality disorders
  • Substance use
  • Gender-specific
  • Maltreatment of the vulnerable or other victimization
  • Other specialty population
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Police/policingLaw, public policy, and/or systems
  • Education or training
  • Program evaluation

Submissions due on Monday, December 2, 2024 (6 PM GMT/9 PM PST/midnight EST)

This deadline will NOT be extended. Accordingly, please do not wait until the last minute to submit. Log on early enough to the conference submission platform (ExOrdo) to ensure that your submission has been completed without any problems.

Submissions can be started and later revised but will not be complete until they are “finalized” (as indicated under My Submissions).

You will receive an electronic confirmation soon after submitting your submission, confirming that the submission has been completed.

Attendees will be limited to a maximum of THREE first-author or presenting-author submissions

This does not include submissions on which you are a co-author but not the first author or presenting author. That is, one can be included as a co-author on an unlimited number of submissions, but they should not be the first author, or designated as a presenting author, on more than three submissions.

Also, if you are an author on more than one submission, please use the same email address for each submission to avoid duplicate profiles in the conference submission platform.

All presenters must register for the conference

Presenting authors for posters, papers, and round tables must register for the in-person conference. Presenters of virtual poster must register for the special virtual poster presenter registration. Details about both types of registration will be forthcoming.

If who will be a presenting author needs to change following your submission, you can contact the Scientific Committee Chairs for assistance at conference@iafmhs.org


Reviewers, both professionals and graduate students, are invited for all topical areas. All proposals will primarily be reviewed by two professionals; graduate students may serve as additional, tertiary reviewers.

Those interested in serving as reviewers can sign up to do so using this Google Form.


If you have any questions or comments about the call for proposals and reviews, please contact the Scientific Committee Chairs at conference@iafmhs.org

If you have any questions about the conference or IAFMHS generally, contact iafmhs@sfu.ca

2025 IAFMHS Conference Scientific Committee Chairs

Professor Henry Gerard Kennedy (Ireland); Dr. Mary Davoren (Ireland); and Dr. Chris King (USA)

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